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Which Test Is Best? Lawmaker Fights To Keep Paper-And-Pencil Version

Karen Kasler

Which test is best? That’s the debate among state lawmakers as Ohio schools have completely phased out state tests taken with paper and pencil in favor of online testing only. 

This year, taking the standardized tests on computers was the only option unless the district made a special request because of a certain need.

But Republican Representative Andrew Brenner of Delaware isn’t convinced this will result in better student performance. He’s concerned about the different variables to consider, such as students who live in a house without a computer.

“How many of them have computer skills? How many of them specifically know how to keyboard? And at what ages? I’m pretty positive the department of Education doesn’t have any of those statistics.”

A provision in the current budget would keep paper and pencil tests and have the state study the issue further.

Senate leaders have suggested they’ll erase that.

Update 6/1/17:

Brittany Halpin, Ohio Department of Education spokesperson says "Ohio’s Learning Standards require students to demonstrate appropriate use of technology, because it is important that students leave Ohio’s K-12 system ready for college and the workforce where these skills are necessary. Instruction on using digital learning tools and resources begins in Kindergarten in the technology standards and progresses each year to make students more comfortable using technology.”

Contact Andy at achow@statehousenews.org.
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