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University Coalition Report Touts $42B In Economic Impact

Andy Chow
Inter-University Council of Ohio presents the results of a study on economic impact.

A coalition of public universities that says income from schools, their students and alumni adds up to $42 billion pumped into the state’s economy. 

The Inter-University Council of Ohio says a public university student ends up making more than $4 for every $1 spent on tuition.

The group’s Bruce Johnson that state taxpayers see a more than 8% return on investment for funding public universities. And Johnson says the state sees the biggest losses when money goes to a student who ends up dropping out, so he’s arguing for increased funding in specific areas.

“Make it easier for the students who are most financially at risk, that if their car breaks down or they had a hard time making rent last month all of the sudden they drop out and they don’t come back and those are the students that need the most support,” says Johnson.

Sen. Randy Gardner (R-Bowling Green), chair of the Senate Finance Higher Education Subcommittee says this will be an important study to keep in mind as they reevaluate college funds.

Contact Andy at achow@statehousenews.org.
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