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New Quinnipiac Poll Shows Shift In Lead Among Likely Voters In Ohio

Andy Chow

The lead has shifted in a new presidential poll of likely voters, with Donald Trump, who was trailing slightly last month, now in front.

Trump leads Hillary Clinton by just one point in a head-to-head matchup in , but when minor party candidates are added, the Republican nominee leads the Democratic choice by four points. The Green Party’s Jill Stein has 4%, but Libertarian Gary Johnson, who will have no party designation on the Ohio ballot, had 14% support – which leads pollster Peter Browns to say that Johnson could decide the election in Ohio. Women overwhelmingly back Clinton, men are behind Trump by almost the same margin, and the candidates are virtually tied with independents. The poll of swing states shows the candidates tied in Florida, and Clinton leading Trump by 4 points in North Carolina and five points in Pennsylvania.

Contact Karen at 614-578-6375 or at kkasler@statehousenews.org.
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