The state budget office says of Issue 2 shows Ohio could save money if voters approve the drug price initiative next month. But the report says there are many variables that make it impossible to predict how much the state would save.
Issue 2 would require the state pay no more for drugs than the federal Department of Veterans Administration does. Dennis Willard speaks for Ohio Taxpayers for Lower Drug Prices, which has claimed the issue would save the state $400 million a year. “If you look at the analysis, it does say a yes vote on Issue 2 will save the state money. They just don’t determine a specific amount," Willard said.
The report says that savings for the state’s Medicaid and HIV drug programs are unlikely, and that legal action related to the issue would offset savings. The report doesn’t reflect an official state stance on Issue 2. The issue is opposed by a coalition of pharmaceutical companies and major medical and veterans groups.