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Outgoing Governor Has Message For Primary Winners Who Hope To Replace Him

Karen Kasler
Gov. John Kasich is asked about his reaction to Tuesday's primary at a press conference in Columbus.

Gov. John Kasich had a message for both his fellow Republican and the Democrat who were winners in yesterday’s primary for governor.

Kasich has less than eight months left in office, and said he’s concerned about two of his legacy acts. “The sanctity, so to speak, of JobsOhio – you can go to the Alex Fishers and the people around the state and they will tell you how critical that operation is. And I feel very, very strongly about the issue of Medicaid expansion.”

Early on , who said she’d but supported the public private entity JobsOhio. Republican winner Mike DeWine has said Medicaid expansion is unsustainable and . Democrat Richard Cordray . But Cordray has been critical of the lack of transparency at JobsOhio, which DeWine supports, but has also said should be more transparent.

Contact Karen at 614-578-6375 or at kkasler@statehousenews.org.
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