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Though Gap Is Widening, Senate Candidate Ted Strickland Says "Don't Count Me Out"

Dan Konik
Senate Candidate Ted Strickland talks to Jo Ingles

Recent polls show former Governor Ted Strickland’s early lead over current U.S. Senator Rob Portman has evaporated. Groups that support Strickland have also pulled planned television ads for him in recent weeks. Strickland says he can still says he can win the race.

Strickland has said he would always have less money than Portman would. But he says he’s also been the target of a $45 million ad campaign by dark money forces that back Portman.

“I haven’t given up on this race. This isn’t over until the votes are cast and counted.”

Strickland says he’s looking forward to three upcoming debates with Portman in October where issues can be discussed. For his part, Portman, in a teleconference, didn’t mention the race against Strickland. He talked about support for legislation to deal with drug abuse, rising health care costs and trade deficits.

Contact Jo Ingles at jingles@statehousenews.org.