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Former Congressman Speaking Out, But Won't Say If He'll Run For Governor

Karen Kasler
Dennis Kucinich speaks to the 5th annual Move to Amend statewide gathering at a Columbus church.

A well-known Democrat who’s often mentioned as a possible candidate for governor was in Ohio this weekend, campaigning for a national constitutional amendment on money in politics. And he says Ohioans may be seeing a lot more of him.

Former Cleveland mayor and Congressman Dennis Kucinich was speaking to activists with , which wants an amendment saying people and not corporations have constitutional rights, and that money isn’t speech. But he said people also want to speak to him about running for governor. He doesn’t say he is, but he doesn’t rule it out. “People ask me about it. So when they ask me about it, I listen, but I don’t, I’m not really here to talk about that at all," Kucinich said.

Kucinich also talked about military action, health care, education and charter schools and the environment – issues he said he’ll continue to talk about in Ohio in the coming weeks.

Contact Karen at 614-578-6375 or at kkasler@statehousenews.org.
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