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Never Mind. Ohio House Speaker Isn't Running For Auditor After All

Jo Ingles
Ohio House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger

Just days after telling reporters he was considering a run for state auditor, the speaker of the Ohio House has decided against it. 

If you were looking forward to a primary battle between former Senate President and now state Rep. Keith Faber and current House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger, never mind. The Wilmington area Republican who told reporters Tuesday that he was thinking about running changed his mind by the end of the week. Rosenberger says he’ll devote his remaining 14 months in office on the most pressing needs for Ohioans and on ensuring the GOP controls the House after the 2018 election. Now that Faber won’t be facing his boss in the primary, he’s the only Republican running. Former Congressman Zack Space is the only Democrat in that race. 

Contact Jo Ingles at jingles@statehousenews.org.
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