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The Cold Weather Ohio Is Having Right Now Can Be Deadly For Senior Citizens

Jo Ingles
Screenshot of temperature on cell phone

The state says the cold weather is especially dangerous for older Ohioans.

The Ohio Department of Aging’s John Ratliff says senior citizens are at risk in very cold weather.

“As we age, our bodies react to extreme conditions a little bit differently. Our skin gets thinner. And also we have to keep in mind that medications we take can also affect how our body can respond to extreme cold.”

Ratliff says the agency is asking Ohioans to check on their older relatives, neighbors, and friends to make sure they are warm, are taking their medications, and are eating and drinking regularly. And he says to make sure senior citizens have a three-day preparedness plan if they are unable to leave their homes due to extreme weather.

Contact Jo Ingles at jingles@statehousenews.org.
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