The only woman running for the Democratic nomination for governor has dropped out of the race. She’s throwing her support to a man she’d once criticized, but who many consider to be the frontrunner in the party’s primary.
When Richard Cordray quit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau last year to run for governor, Connie Pillich was critical, saying he was abandoning an important role to enter an already crowded race. Pillich, who had some labor endorsements, was far behind in fundraising. She says this is not the time for her to continue.
“Democrats have got to come together. We’ve got to put aside our differences and we have to unite.”
Cordray, whose running mate is former opponent and Congresswoman Betty Sutton, says women will play a key role in his administration.
“There will be strong women in positions of important leadership and building and earning that record and visibility so they will be our political leaders of the future.”
Four of the remaining seven Democrats who have filed for governor have enlisted women to serve as their lieutenant governors.