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ECOT Critics Say School Ran Unchecked For Years

Andy Chow
Auditor Dave Yost presents his findings after reviewing ECOT’s student participation data. Democrats and progressive groups say Yost and other Republicans should have been more proactive about ECOT years ago.";

An audit regarding alleged attendance inflation by the Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow is now in the hands of several investigative agencies. The review claims that ECOT padded their student data on purpose to get more money from the state. Critics say this information comes after years of ECOT operating unchecked.

Republican Auditor Dave Yost as he reviewed his findings, saying the now-closed online charter school committed fraud.

But Yost was once a supporter of ECOT.

Sandy Theis, a longtime consultant for Democrats and progressive groups, says Yost and fellow Republicans could have done more, years ago, to keep ECOT accountable, through better policy and stronger reviews.

“And now finally that it’s an election year issue, the Republicans are finally concerned about ECOT’s performance and ECOT taking our money,” said Theis.

ECOT’s founder, Bill Lager, has been a major Republican campaign donor over the years. Yost received nearly $30,000 from ECOT officials, which he recently donated to charity.

Contact Andy at achow@statehousenews.org.
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