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Ohio's Pharmacy Board Says CBD Oil Is Illegal Under State's New Medical Marijuana Law

Columbus, Ohio
Jo Ingles
Columbus Botanical Depot sells CBD oil

Products derived from marijuana that don’t contain THC, the chemical that produces a “high”, are being sold in stores throughout the state. Cannabinoid or CBD oil can be found in boutique shops and health food stores. But the state’s Pharmacy Board says sales of those products are illegal.

The board’s clarification on CBD oil, which is derived from marijuana or hemp, says it is illegal under Ohio’s new medical marijuana law. The board says CBD oil must go through the same testing procedures and comply with the same rules as actual marijuana. And the board adds the only legal way to sell it is through a medical marijuana control program dispensary. The message is clear that until dispensaries are operational, and none are right now, no one is allowed to possess or sell CBD oil and other marijuana related products.  Still, some stores stocking CBD oil are continuing to sell it, despite the pharmacy board’s ruling.

Contact Jo Ingles at jingles@statehousenews.org.
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