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Veto Override Takes Power Away From Governor's Agencies In Future Battles Over Policy

Sen. Joe Uecker

Sometimes, when a governor wants something done and the legislature doesn’t want to pass a law to do it, the governor can go through a panel of lawmakers. But in a showdown between the legislature and the governor, it’s going to be more difficult for that to happen in the future. 

The Ohio Legislature passed a bill earlier this year that makes it harder for agencies to establish a rule through policy rather than going through lawmakers. Governor Kasich vetoed it. But Senator Joe Uecker says the House and Senate recently joined together to override that veto.

“It kind of rights a listing ship, shall we say, where over the years the legislature may have unconsciously given up some of its responsibilities in creating public policies.”

This is not the last bill the legislature is likely to override. House and senate leaders say they are considering overrides on other bills too, including controversial gun and abortion legislation.

Contact Jo Ingles at jingles@statehousenews.org.
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