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Ohio State Fair Posts Big Attendance Numbers, But Short Of A Record

Karen Kasler
Thousands attended the 2016 Ohio State Fair on the last day of the 12-day event.

This year’s Ohio State Fair ended up just short of a record.

More than 921,000 people to the state fairgrounds – that’s the second largest fair attendance since the event was shortened from 17 days to just under two weeks in 2004. But that attendance figure is well short of the more than 982,000 fairgoers last year, and breaks a three year streak of attendance records starting in 2013. Fair General Manager Virgil Strickler isn't disappointed. "Absolutely not. This was our second best fair ever in a 12 day fair. And look at all that hot weather that we had," Strickler said.

Strickler says he's pleased anytime the attendance figures top 900,000, and called the numbers that turned out “impressive”.

Contact Karen at 614-578-6375 or at kkasler@statehousenews.org.