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Farmers Battling Three Big Problems - Economy, Weather And Now Proposed Tariff Hike

Jay Hanselman, WVXU

People who work in Ohio’s largest industry are getting hit with a triple threat – a bad economy, heavy rain and cool temperatures, and now the possibility of a trade war with their products in the middle of it.

"It’s hard to be optimistic as a farmer right now," said Ohio Farm Bureau’s Joe Cornely.

He said farmers have been worried about bad economic conditions and bad weather, and now soybeans are on a list of products targeted with a 25 percent retaliatory tariff hike by China, Ohio’s number one buyer. Cornely said this was expected, but farmers – who overwhelmingly supported President Trump in 2016 – are concerned. “We are very actively reminding the administration and Congress that these are pocketbook issues, and we’re very hopeful that they’re going to listen,” Cornely said.

If these tariffs do go into effect, Cornely said they could affect 26,000 Ohio farmers who produce more than $2.5 billion in soybeans each year – and the rural communities they live in as well.

Contact Karen at 614-578-6375 or at kkasler@statehousenews.org.
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