medicare /tags/medicare medicare en-US Copyright Thu, 30 Sep 2021 18:01:42 GMT Ohio Advocates Want Budget Bill To Put Money Into Dental Coverage In Medicare /government-politics/2021-09-30/ohio-advocates-want-budget-bill-to-put-money-into-dental-coverage-in-medicare They're hoping the big budget reconciliation package will include money to expand Medicare to include dental visits and oral care. Thu, 30 Sep 2021 18:01:42 GMT /government-politics/2021-09-30/ohio-advocates-want-budget-bill-to-put-money-into-dental-coverage-in-medicare Karen Kasler Ohio's Plan For CHIP As Federal Funding Runs Out /government-politics/2017-11-27/ohios-plan-for-chip-as-federal-funding-runs-out Time is running out for Congress to approve more funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program before the money dries up. It's operated by states… Mon, 27 Nov 2017 21:18:20 GMT /government-politics/2017-11-27/ohios-plan-for-chip-as-federal-funding-runs-out Andy Chow