preexisting conditions /tags/preexisting-conditions preexisting conditions en-US Copyright Tue, 23 Oct 2018 19:27:59 GMT Former HHS Secretary Sued Over ACA Blasts DeWine In Continuing Debate Over Pre-Existing Conditions /government-politics/2018-10-23/former-hhs-secretary-sued-over-aca-blasts-dewine-in-continuing-debate-over-pre-existing-conditions The head of the federal agency that put the Affordable Care Act into effect in 2010 spent the day in her home state of Ohio. It’s part of an effort by… Tue, 23 Oct 2018 19:27:59 GMT /government-politics/2018-10-23/former-hhs-secretary-sued-over-aca-blasts-dewine-in-continuing-debate-over-pre-existing-conditions Karen Kasler Pre-existing Conditions Concerns Leads Doctors' Group To Break With OSMA And Back Cordray /government-politics/2018-10-03/pre-existing-conditions-concerns-leads-doctors-group-to-break-with-osma-and-back-cordray Some 750 doctors say they’re endorsing Democrat for governor Richard Cordray, breaking with the Ohio State Medical Association, which is backing his… Wed, 03 Oct 2018 21:41:54 GMT /government-politics/2018-10-03/pre-existing-conditions-concerns-leads-doctors-group-to-break-with-osma-and-back-cordray Karen Kasler DeWine Says He Supports Pre-Existing Conditions In ACA, But Ohio Hasn't Joined Lawsuit To Keep That /government-politics/2018-07-16/dewine-says-he-supports-pre-existing-conditions-in-aca-but-ohio-hasnt-joined-lawsuit-to-keep-that Republican Gov. John Kasich and the Democrat who wants to replace him have said Ohio needs to fight efforts to overturn the pre-existing conditions… Mon, 16 Jul 2018 21:29:33 GMT /government-politics/2018-07-16/dewine-says-he-supports-pre-existing-conditions-in-aca-but-ohio-hasnt-joined-lawsuit-to-keep-that Karen Kasler Kasich: Ohio Should Defend Pre-Existing Conditions Coverage /health-mental-health-aging/2018-06-18/kasich-ohio-should-defend-pre-existing-conditions-coverage Gov. John Kasich says Ohio should be doing everything it can to defend the part of the Affordable Care Act that requires health care coverage for people… Mon, 18 Jun 2018 21:54:43 GMT /health-mental-health-aging/2018-06-18/kasich-ohio-should-defend-pre-existing-conditions-coverage Andy Chow