Special elections /tags/special-elections Special elections en-US Copyright Mon, 08 May 2023 16:28:56 GMT Deadline looming for Ohio House to pass constitutional amendment threshold, allow August election /government-politics/2023-05-08/deadline-looming-for-ohio-house-to-pass-constitutional-amendment-threshold-august-election This week could be do-or-die for Ohio House Republicans, who must decide by Wednesday if they’ll ask voters to make it harder to amend the constitution in a statewide special election in August. Mon, 08 May 2023 16:28:56 GMT /government-politics/2023-05-08/deadline-looming-for-ohio-house-to-pass-constitutional-amendment-threshold-august-election Karen Kasler Ohio House lawmakers aren't moving fast on constitutional change. Time is running out to act on it /government-politics/2023-05-02/ohio-house-lawmakers-arent-moving-fast-on-constitutional-change-time-is-running-out-to-act-on-it Lawmakers have until May 10 to pass a bill to create a special August election and pass a resolution for Ohioans to vote on that would make it harder to amend the constitution. Tue, 02 May 2023 18:51:19 GMT /government-politics/2023-05-02/ohio-house-lawmakers-arent-moving-fast-on-constitutional-change-time-is-running-out-to-act-on-it Jo Ingles, Karen Kasler DeWine isn't swayed by concerns expressed by elections officials over a possible August election /government-politics/2023-04-26/dewine-isnt-swayed-by-concerns-expressed-by-elections-officials-over-a-possible-august-election In January, Gov. Mike DeWine signed a bill to do away with most August special elections, but he now supports bringing back one this summer for a key vote. Wed, 26 Apr 2023 21:00:21 GMT /government-politics/2023-04-26/dewine-isnt-swayed-by-concerns-expressed-by-elections-officials-over-a-possible-august-election Jo Ingles Today Is Last Day To Register To Vote In Special Election In August /government-politics/2021-07-06/today-is-last-day-to-register-to-vote-in-special-election-in-august Today is the last day for voters to register to cast ballots in next month’s special election primary for two Congressional seats. These two special… Tue, 06 Jul 2021 19:53:35 GMT /government-politics/2021-07-06/today-is-last-day-to-register-to-vote-in-special-election-in-august Jo Ingles Kasich Has Signed Several Bills Into Law Recently /government-politics/2018-07-31/kasich-has-signed-several-bills-into-law-recently Gov. John Kasich has signed into law a contentious bill that places more rules on payday lenders. It limits how much interest short term loan providers… Tue, 31 Jul 2018 21:05:53 GMT /government-politics/2018-07-31/kasich-has-signed-several-bills-into-law-recently Jo Ingles Second Special Election In One Congressional District Has Legislator Proposing Changing Law /elections/2016-08-26/second-special-election-in-one-congressional-district-has-legislator-proposing-changing-law Residents in the 8th Congressional district in western Ohio may be getting a little vote-weary. The people who used to be represented by House Speaker… Fri, 26 Aug 2016 04:43:29 GMT /elections/2016-08-26/second-special-election-in-one-congressional-district-has-legislator-proposing-changing-law Karen Kasler