Todd Snitchler /tags/todd-snitchler Todd Snitchler en-US Copyright Wed, 18 May 2016 22:39:00 GMT From The Power Plant To Your Electric Bill: Critical Point For The Future of Energy In Ohio /government-politics/2016-05-18/from-the-power-plant-to-your-electric-bill-critical-point-for-the-future-of-energy-in-ohio Ohio’s largest energy companies are trying to figure out what they’re going to do with their coal power plants as they navigate through a vital time in… Wed, 18 May 2016 22:39:00 GMT /government-politics/2016-05-18/from-the-power-plant-to-your-electric-bill-critical-point-for-the-future-of-energy-in-ohio Andy Chow From The Power Plant To Your Electric Bill: The Long Journey Towards Deregulation /government-politics/2016-05-17/from-the-power-plant-to-your-electric-bill-the-long-journey-towards-deregulation A decision to block a plan that would’ve guaranteed profits for struggling coal plants in Ohio may have created a domino effect for the future of energy… Tue, 17 May 2016 19:31:24 GMT /government-politics/2016-05-17/from-the-power-plant-to-your-electric-bill-the-long-journey-towards-deregulation Andy Chow Opponents Claim PUCO Coal Plant Rulings Provide Unfair Competitive Advantage /government-politics/2016-04-05/opponents-claim-puco-coal-plant-rulings-provide-unfair-competitive-advantage Ohioans could see a new charge in their electric bills as early as June, now that state regulators have approved plans by FirstEnergy and AEP to guarantee… Tue, 05 Apr 2016 20:49:36 GMT /government-politics/2016-04-05/opponents-claim-puco-coal-plant-rulings-provide-unfair-competitive-advantage Andy Chow