utility regulation /tags/utility-regulation utility regulation en-US Copyright Wed, 28 Dec 2016 20:04:39 GMT 2016 Year In Review - Energy /government-politics/2016-12-28/2016-year-in-review-energy Ohio has a big coal industry, but also has a lot of land for wind energy development. And state officials seems to be floating in the middle as far as… Wed, 28 Dec 2016 20:04:39 GMT /government-politics/2016-12-28/2016-year-in-review-energy Andy Chow FirstEnergy Considers Selling, Closing Coal Plants /government-politics/2016-11-17/firstenergy-considers-selling-closing-coal-plants One of Ohio’s largest energy companies could be closing or selling all of its power plants within the next two years. FirstEnergy, given the current… Thu, 17 Nov 2016 21:25:31 GMT /government-politics/2016-11-17/firstenergy-considers-selling-closing-coal-plants Andy Chow From The Power Plant To Your Electric Bill: Federal Ruling Sets Stage For Big Decisions /government-politics/2016-05-16/from-the-power-plant-to-your-electric-bill-federal-ruling-sets-stage-for-big-decisions Something as simple as flipping a switch can turn the lights on and off in your home. But there are many, major, complicated decisions that take place in… Mon, 16 May 2016 20:16:29 GMT /government-politics/2016-05-16/from-the-power-plant-to-your-electric-bill-federal-ruling-sets-stage-for-big-decisions Andy Chow