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Ohio Wants To Create “Smart Corridor” On Route 33, Starting With Self-Driving Semi

OTTO, a self-driving semi, has been doing test runs on Route 33.

Route 33 could become a technology superhighway, if a project launched by the state goes as planned. The Ohio Department of Transportation announced it’s working with Ohio State’s Center for Automotive Research, Honda and Union County to create a “smart corridor on Route 33 from Dublin west to East Liberty. ODOT director Jerry Wray says it’ll being launched with a $15 million investment by the state along with local and federal funds.

“What we’re developing and what we’re investing in is a real world proving ground that will allow researchers and engineers to develop the transportation of the future. This is a great asset for Ohio, for this community. It puts us in the vanguard of the smart mobility movement that’s moving across the nation.”

A key part of the plan is OTTO, a self-driving semi developed by the ride sharing service Uber. OTTO has been going up and down Route 33 on test runs and soon will try the Ohio Turnpike. A driver does ride in the semi in case of equipment malfunction.

Contact Karen at 614-578-6375 or at kkasler@statehousenews.org.